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Bypass list

Individual servers may be excluded from being proxied with the bypassList. This list may contain the following entries:

Match all hostnames that match the pattern <host-pattern>. A leading "." is interpreted as a "*.".
Examples: "foobar.com", "*foobar.com", "*.foobar.com", "*foobar.com:99", "https://x.*.y.com:99".
Pattern Matches Does not match
".foobar.com" "www.foobar.com" "foobar.com"
"*.foobar.com" "www.foobar.com" "foobar.com"
"foobar.com" "foobar.com" "www.foobar.com"
"*foobar.com" "foobar.com","www.foobar.com","foofoobar.com"
Match URLs that are IP address literals.
Conceptually this is the similar to the first case, but with special cases to handle IP literal canonicalization. For example, matching on "[0:0:0::1]" is the same as matching on "[::1]" because the IPv6 canonicalization is done internally.
Examples: "127.0.1", "[0:0::1]", "[::1]", "http://[::1]:99"
Match any URL containing an IP literal within the given range. The IP range is specified using CIDR notation.
Examples: "", "fefe:13::abc/33"
Matches simple hostnames. A simple hostname is one that contains no dots and is not an IP literal. For instance example and localhost are simple hostnames, whereas example.com, example., and [::1] are not.
Example: "<local>"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""